Really, this one website launch may have replaced Stripe as the defacto SAAS website design style and really solidified dark mode. Entire sites have been devoted to the sites that are inspired by this design.
Here’s the Linear hero just for your reference:

And the hero for UI Press:

Pretty similar feel right? In fact, I honestly always thought that UI Press actually built their site with Webflow, because it has that sort of feel to it. Imagine my surprise when they showed up on my list of sites built with Bricks!
Things I Like:
I love the color and I love the gradients on the boxes. They use slight little gradients on the cards that actually make it feel like light is coming from the top right. Very nice.

I also like how they lined everything up on the left in line with the logo. Almost the entire page is left aligned, which is actually quite refreshing.
I also really like the pricing section.

Other Notes
As I was looking over the site, I noticed that none of the cards were clickable. Like, can’t click them at all. I emailed to let them know, but this is a good lesson to keep in mind when it comes to using gradient overlays. If your z-index gets out of whack, you lose all your interactivity.
See the mouse? I can’t click on the cards at all (only the pricing card). The culprit is that their overlay that creates the card border is on top of the rest of the card.
Super easy fix but one that right now means nobody can interact with a lot of the site.

The only other thing that I feel like could help them is to develop some more pages with more examples of dashboard customizations. It’s a great plugin so if you haven’t looked at it, check it out.
Other Inspiration
Just for fun, here’s a few non Bricks built (I don’t think) sites that mimic the style of Linear

And just another shot at the great dark mode gradients from

More Info
There are tons of threads and reddits and other things, but here are a few places where you can see more about the Linear effect.